Like A Virgin

I am a 22-year-old virgin and proud of it. I don’t find any shame in me not having had sex yet, and I’ve gotten over the fact that others judge me because of that. I found this article on HelloGiggles last week, and while I don’t agree with all of the statements, I do think it makes some good points.

Just because someone is a virgin does not mean they’re a prude. It does not mean they’re weird or something’s wrong with them or they’re delusional. It could mean a variety of things. For many, it has to do with their religion. For others, they’re just waiting for the right person. For me, it’s a combination of things. I don’t want to rush into anything or do it because everyone else is supposedly doing it and not doing it apparently makes me weird. I like being weird!

I’ve always been of the belief that I wanted to wait until marriage to have sex. I’ve had quite a few people look down on me or judge me for this decision, but that hasn’t swayed me one bit. I don’t see anything wrong with waiting. I want to make sure me and my significant other are truly ready before we share that experience. Sure, some people may say I’m putting losing my virginity up on a pedestal, but I don’t care. That’s my right.

Virgins tend to be mocked in the media, despite their age (think “40-year-old Virgin” and most teenage dramas on TV today), and I don’t understand it. There is so much more to a person than their sexually active status, or lack thereof. I’m in a committed, loving relationship with a man I plan to be with for the rest of my life. I have a full-time job. I have a wonderful family. I have too many other great things going for me to get hung up on this one little snag in my personality, as some may see it. It is not a character flaw and it is not open to your judgment; it is my private life, and I’m tired of making excuses for my behavior because someone else doesn’t agree with my decisions.

So what if I’m labeled as weird or an outcast or whatever? I have my values, just like everyone else, and no, I don’t think that makes me better than anyone. Just because other people are having sex in or out of marriage doesn’t mean that I look down on them or anything like that. I don’t want others to judge me, so why would I judge others? We’ve got enough stuff to worry about with adding in issues with sex and who’s having it and who’s not.