
This is such a simple idea, yet one that gets forgotten a lot: “whatever you decide to do, make sure it makes you happy.” We shouldn’t go through life angry and unhappy all the time. Everyone is always trying so hard to be happy, but at what cost? I think some of us put too much at stake on our quest for eternal, or even temporary, happiness. Sometimes I think we put up with more than we need to because we think we’ll eventually, maybe, some day get or have something better. But what kind of life is that, always waiting for something better to happen?

I think we should wake up each day, smile and get ready to face the day. Some things will happen that will make us happy. And then even more things will happen to make us sad or angry or upset in some way, and I think we all (especially me) just need to learn to let things go and be happy.

I’m not saying we can’t be sad at all. Obviously there are times when we are more than welcome to be sad, like in the case of deaths, accidents, tragedies, etc. But I think it’s how we choose to deal with life’s obstacles that can make us see our lives as positive or negative forever, instead of just temporarily. If we always belittle and judge others, that negativity can infect your mind. As one famous quote says, “you can’t live a positive life with a negative mind.”

I’ve really started to realize the importance of this quote lately when I think things aren’t happening quite the way I would like them to. The world doesn’t revolve around me (or you!), so I need to learn to let things slide off my shoulders if they don’t contribute to my happiness. I am embarking on a journey to find (and keep) my happiness, and it starts today.

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